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Healing Presence

Mindful Self-Compassion &Energy Healing for Empaths

If you can see yourself as an empath, a natural healer, someone with a tremendous capacity to see, feel and love others deeply and you know it can be such a gift and that at your best, you’re here to make a healing impact.. then this is the course for you. Because it’s all true.… and yet, if the above resonates, the below probably resonates too. Sometimes, it can also feel like a curse. There are times when you’re consumed with worries about your loved ones (or irritation at them!), wanting desperately to fix them, but feeling deeply powerless when you can’t, leading you to close off your heart, spiral into self-doubt and guilt for not showing up as your best self.If that’s you too, Healing Presence is your course to walk yourself back to your own love & your own power.

Within Healing Presence, you will reconnect to your powerful, loving heart by:

  • Understanding Your Empathic Energy: Conceptual training, how to guides & worksheets are included in the course so that you can get a firm grasp of what it means to be an (empowered) sensitive energy being in an energetic universe. Much of this is recorded through videos & manuals so you have access way beyond the time of our course.
  • Embarking on a Mindful Self-Compassion Journey Tailored to the Natural Healer’s Experience: You will redefine and rewire your relationship to your own energy and that of others through daily engagement with self-compassionate mindfulness practices.
  • Receiving Powerful Energy Healing Tools to Keep Your Energy Clean and Contained: You will receive powerful energy healing tools and thoroughly understand when to use them to keep your energy in its natural, powerful healing frequency. These will become your best friends.
  • Becoming a Mature Healing Presence Through Practice: You will be guided on how to listen to others without taking on their energy, how to communicate and enforce your boundaries, how to ask powerful healing questions & moce more. For those in the live program, you will have opportunities to practice these skills under supervision.
Reconnect to your essence . | Center in your loving heart. | Make a healing impact

The Details

The format:

Live Small Group:

We meet a total of 6 times in small groups of between 4 and 8 students via zoom. You receive all your materials (recorded meditations and “how to” trainings accessible in a learning portal that you can access as soon as you sign up. (Recommended for healers in training!)

Self-Study :

You receive all your materials (recorded meditations and “how to” trainings accessible in a learning portal that you can access as soon as you sign up. (Recommended if this is for you if this is just for you at this time. If later you wish to do a live round, you can do so for $480).
The exchange:
  • Live Small Group: $720 + tax
  • Self-Study : $280 + tax

The Dates:


6 Thursdays at noon, starting April 25, 2024. 12pm – 2pm.
Following the same format (6 consecutive weeks) the next start dates will be TBD. Reserve your spot here.

Self-Study :

As soon as you sign up, you will be e-mailed your login information. This gives you access to all the materials instantaneously.

The Location

Online through a Learning Portal and Zoom (for group program only)

What happens as soon as you sign up:

As soon as you sign up, you will receive an e-mail with access to your online learning portal, where you’ll have instant access to your welcome materials. If you’re in the small group live version of the program, you will also receive a confirmation e-mail with all the details of your course.

If you are called to be a healer, take care of your most powerful instrument: your empathic essence

– Inge Broer

Inge Broer, Energy Healing Teacher

About The teacher

Hi, I’m Inge. It’d be a pleasure to be your guide.Even as a small baby, I was fascinated by people. My parents like to tell me I would pick someone in the tram and stare them down until they would smile. I think that’s a good metaphor for how my energy works: completely engrossed in people, fascinated by them, and deeply motivated to make them smile.Sometimes that has worked well for me: It’s allowed for a deeply satisfying career as an energy healer, I learn incredibly fast from people and generally I like people and they like me.Other times, it hasn’t worked well for me at all: Early patterns of codependency in my friendships (and laster in my romantic relationships), chronic headaches that led me to stay home and hide from people for weeks at a time (and think I hated them!), and feeling hopelessly lost and disconnected more than a few times in my life.It’s one of those rock bottoms that started me on the journey to figuring out how to best use my empathic energy.. and I was as surprised as anyone to find that a combo of mindful self-compassion and energy healing techniques was the key to allowing me to stand firmly in the quality of my energy that allows me to be a healing presence for myself and others. It has been the gift that keeps on giving in my life and is key for the self-worth, light-heartedness, authentic connection, and spiritual trust I get to experience on a daily basis. I want that for you too. Healing Presence is the consolidation & systematization of my life-long quest to being in love with my spongy, squishy, empathic energy.


If you’re currently deeply in the throes of trauma responses and not supported by a healing professional you trust, I’d advise you to secure that first.If you find it very challenging to hold yourself accountable for healing practices, take that in consideration before investing in the self-study program. You can post on facebook to find an accountability partner or you can join a live small group program that will hold you accountable (you are welcome there even if you don’t have a clear intention to be a healer one day).This is specifically for people who identify with the qualities of being sensitive, empathic and having a spongy energetic nature. If you don’t resonate with those qualities at all, this may not be for you. If you still feel called to it, perhaps book a call with Inge.

For the live program, $75 of your group course fee is non-refundable. If after the first class you decide the course is not for you and you decide to walk away, you will be refunded the rest. After that time there will be no refunds. For the self-study program, you can request a refund within 48h of accessing the program if it’s not what you expected. After that, the course is non-refundable.If you’re unsure if this course is for you, the best thing is to book a call with Inge.

Life sometimes gets in the way.If you have to cancel before the course starts or after only one class – $75 of your group course fee is non-refundable, but can be applied as a credit to a future course.If you have to cancel after class 2 – we can credit you your course fee for a future Healing Presence group course.

For the group version, Yes! You can split the fee into two payments.For the self-study, no, it’s one payment.

YES. As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive access to your online portal, where you’ll find all your materials. You can start as soon as you have them.

For the group, if you miss a zoom class, you will receive the recording (if the other students agree). If you already know you’re going to be missing a class, best check with Inge before signing up to create a plan.

Healing Presence is a great entry to the program. We recommend starting with it. There is no need to commit to the certificate right away, although you can also reserve your spot for future Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki II, Energy Healing Toolkit which all have a group component and set meeting dates.

You’ve made it all the way to the end of the page. This is the moment you decide.

Are you feeling the call?Register
You’re feeling the call, but there’s some hesitation?Book a Call With Inge
You’re feeling it, but you’re not sure yet and you think this is for later?Review the curriculum